Dream about handling a red stone to a bulky spiked demon
Dreams can have different meanings for different individuals, but here is one possible interpretation of this dream:
Handling a red stone to a bulky spiked demon in a dream could represent your subconscious mind's desire to confront or face a challenge or problem that seems overwhelming or intimidating in your waking life. The demon could symbolize a part of your own personality or an external force that you perceive as threatening or aggressive. The red stone may represent courage, strength, or resilience that you possess within yourself and are willing to offer to overcome the challenge at hand. By confronting the demon and offering the stone, you may be acknowledging your ability to face difficult situations and find inner resources to tackle them. Alternatively, the dream may reveal your fear of facing your own inner demons or repressed emotions and the need to find ways to overcome them. It is important to reflect on your own feelings and experiences to understand the dream's significance for you.